Kodevember Day 7: Catching Up and Pushing Ahead
Tonight I had two things I needed to work on. But then I got sidetracked by another blog post idea (which I started outlining and I’ll probably publish tomorrow). So, I may not get as far on the 2nd thing as I’d hoped.
Catching Up
I spoke at PyGotham for the first time this year. The good news/bad news of that is, it was the weekend before DjangoCon. So, I was a bit busy. AND, for some reason ahem, I had trouble getting my slides online while AT the conference. That’s something I usually do BEFORE the talk or at least right after: push my slides to a Github repo. But, I forgot how to use Git, then was in a bit of a DjangoCon rush and recovery right after that.
I know, excuses, excuses.
Anyway, I didn’t FORGET, so I decided to make time this evening to FINALLY put my slides online. They’re on Github and Speaker Deck. You can also find links to the slides and the video on YouTube with the talk description.
Which reminds me: I need to update my list of presentations. That’s another thing I’m bad at.
Pushing Ahead
On the topic of speaking, I’m speaking at Python Day Mexico in Guadalajara on 2018-12-01. I’d like to give SOME of my talk in Spanish, or at least have some of the section headers in Spanish, since I’ll be in a Spanish-speaking country. I realize most people aren’t monolingual like most Americans, but still, I’d like to be respectful. And in my role as the NorAm Ambassador (the FINAL 2018 stop for #NorAmGT is real!), stepping up my Spanish couldn’t hurt.
So, my PLAN was to work on that tonight. But I got sidetracked and ran out of time. So, that’ll have to wait until tomorrow or this weekend.