So, I’m doing another “30 Day Github challenge/100 Days of Code” type thing. I have that in quotes and say “type thing” because I probably won’t follow the exact rules for either. Based on my internal “Set Your Own Pace” principle, I’m gonna roll my own set of rules. I’m going to call it “Kodevember” (pronounced “Kode-vember”, a portmanteau of Kojo, code, &November) and do it through November. Because I don’t have the time or energy to make a cuter/more clever name. Also, this is the first (now SECOND!) time I’ve found reason to use “portmanteau” in a sentence. This pleases me. My rules for Kodevember are as follows:

  • Pushing at least one commit/day to Github (I want to use it’s visual contribution tracker)
  • At least 30 days
  • Code, comments and blog posts (since my blog lives on Github) all count
    • I’d usually try to minimize days with ONLY blog posts and/or require the “blog post only day” be a technical post about a development issue I’m dealing with. But you know what? I’m WAY behind on blog posts I’ve been planning to write, especially in my role as the DEFNA North American Ambassador. I’ve got stuff I need to talk to people about. So a blog post counts just fine.
    • Also, time spent on DOCUMENTATION is valid time/effort spent. I said it. Fight me.

See you all tomorrow.